The Douglases went camping this weekend at Lake Texoma.
Would you believe that Mommy didn't take any pictures until the very last day?
To sum up the camping...
Our site was awesome. Hidden back in the trees. Lots of space.
Girls loved it. Loved playing and exploring.
As you will see by the pictures, all of their clothes got so dirty that
by the last day we were very mismatched.
We fished.
We ate.
We told stories by the fire.
The first night Laina went to sleep great...but then was awake for about 2 hours in the middle of the night. Crying...wandering around the tent...crying...and playing with Nettie...who was not so agreeable to being played with in the middle of the night.
But she did go back to sleep and slept great the second night...despite it being really cold.
The second day we went canoeing, picnicking and kite flying...
Alaina and Mommy did get to canoe too. We had the whole family in there. But Laina got kind of wiggly and we cut her trip short.
And then came the picnic and kite flying. The girls LOVED it...
Audrey was an excellent kite flyer
Laina mostly ran around and squeeled.