Thursday, August 23, 2007

We've got good news!

So ,we had a ultrasound today and everything went great! It was exciting to immediately see the baby's heart beating. The heart was beating strong and the baby was the size it was supposed to be. That's the good news we've been waiting to hear.

The last days were the longest two weeks of my life. We were anxiously waiting to see if everything was okay. And it is.

The baby waved at us as we were getting the ultrasound and wanted us to tell everyone "hello". That was pretty cool.

Amy is having a rough time with the morning sickness, but I am trying my best to do what I can. Everyone can pray that I have more sympathy and patience, because i'm going to need it. I think that is why God gave us 9 months to get ready. He knew it would take that long to train dads to be dads.

I have a feeling the next 6+ months are going to fly by. I look forward to the days ahead.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers....

WE love you all.


P.S. If you look at the picture with a magnify glass, you can see the baby looks like me.


Karin said...

We are so thrilled for you as you watch your baby grow and get ready to introduce them to the world out here. You two are going to be GREAT parents! glad to hear everything went well!

Charley & Marianne said...

Cool! We will follow and pray with you all. I am counting the days until my trip to Boston! Can't wait. By the way, if you think Quaffi is "interesting", we know someone who named their little girl Yazi (pronounced with a short "a") meaning little duck in chinese. Things that make you go HMMMM!!

Amy said...

I am so happy to hear baby Douglas is healthy and already waving to all his/her fans. My prayers will continue to be with you and the baby. This is an exciting time! Be sure to enjoy the pregnancy as much as possible! Love all three of you!

Unknown said...

What great news! So glad I can follow along with the three of you.

rick said...

say for example Troy and Amy go on a vacation to England, and by chance the baby is born there, international law states that the child is in fact a natural citizen of England and America.

SO - if you're both from Texas, and the baby is born in Boston, you know this means that the child will be forever "from Massachusetts". Ya know, the way people from Maine or New Hampshire say things like "oh, that person is from Massachusetts"

Like that episode of King Of The Hill, when Hank discovers that he was actually born in New York City and was all upset that he wasn't a native of Arlen, Texas...


Doug said...

proud for you.