Tuesday, March 18, 2008

God is pretty amazing...

So, all along in my pregnancy I have been hit with thoughts of how amazing God is in all of this. As I was laying in bed this morning I thought that I (with some thoughts from Troy as well) would put together a little "Top Ten (among a gazillion) things about pregnancy that have amazed me about God."

Here you go:
  1. Well, pregnancy in itself. I am pregnant. I am having a baby. Just the fact that people come to being in this way. That's pretty amazing.
  2. Ultrasound. When we had our week 19 ultrasound and saw a heart beating, fingers and toes, a little nose, a sucking mouth. Amazing.
  3. Feeling movement. The first time that I really felt movement and knew there was a real baby in there. A living, breathing baby.
  4. Seeing movement. Nearing the end now, I have looked down and seen a bump move. Or my belly has at times been totally lopsided. Or just seeing a big bump where her back or little booty must be.
  5. Breastfeeding. I took a class on breastfeeding and our teacher was talking about how when the baby is born she will naturally turn towards your breast. Your breastmilk smells like the fluid in the womb and she is drawn to that smell. Wow! That's pretty amazing! Man, when I heard that, I just thought "how could you deny our creator God when He works things out like that?"
  6. Troy says "in taking care of Amy God has shown me more of the reality that I am going to be responsible for someone else. He has been preparing me to care for someone all along the way."
  7. Troy has seen how God has strengthened us in relationship to our extended families and church. God can use this little baby to draw us together in family and community.
  8. Troy shares that God is showing us in this pregnancy process that we can be good parents. We aren't fearful of that. We can be confident that God has prepared us and will give us wisdom to be the parents we need to be.
  9. We have been given a Dr. that we totally trust and our friend (and Pastor's wife) is going to be our labor nurse. We feel so good about going into labor with Dr. McRary and Brandy caring for us and our baby.
  10. And last, but certainly not least, I am SO sick of being pregnant that I am totally willing and ready to go through labor. How amazing that God works things out that way? He's pretty smart like that. :)

And I know that once this baby is born we will have so many more things to add to this list. What a blessing babies are. What a testimony of our amazing creator God!

What about you other pregos or new mom's? What have you seen that has amazed you about God?


Portia said...

Thank you so much for sharing this, Amy! What a blessing this time is in our lives!!

I blogged my own thoughts: http://fumblingfortruth.blogspot.com/2008/03/god-is-amazing-portias-version.html

Womack said...

Yes, it truly is an amazing thing. One thing that has amazed me is how they could inject a needle, take out an ounce of fluid and from that find out if there are any abnormalities with the baby. Thankfully, there were none. Also, just feeling the baby move (sometimes it tickles) and like you said, the ultrasound. Actually seeing this tiny little person moving around, bringing his hand toward his mouth, etc.