Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Day with Sweet Friends and Sad Goodbyes

As I have mentioned before, I have been in a Bible Study this year called Community Bible Study (LOVE it and HIGHLY recommend is all over the world, you should check it out.)
One of the joys of this study has been the wonderful women I have gotten to know. I have thoroughly enjoyed them all. We've had a precious leader and there were 2 other pregnant girls in my group. That was really fun.
A special blessing for me has been my friendship with Julie (one of the other new mothers) and MF.
Julie and I have had the treat of going to spend a day at MF's house in Wimberley a couple of times. Julie and I could just sit and talk and enjoy MF for hours. She has a beautiful ranch with so much history and MF and her husband Bill have an amazing life story that we just eat up. It is a very special day when we get to go to MF's.
And Audrey and Alaina love MF too...
I love to see MF love on my baby. It is so special.
MF was talking to Audrey here. Can't you just see how special and fun she is?
Audrey can't get enough of her.

This is Alaina and her friend Caidyn enjoying the day.
Audrey met some chickens. This one was really fat!

We went on a little walk and Audrey led the way.

And then today was my last day at CBS. I am so sad to be moving away from these ladies. I would have loved to have been in a group with them for years to come. How grateful I am to them for their encouragement and for their love for God and His word. What a blessing they have been in my life this year. I do look forward to keeping in touch with each of them as I leave.
Thank you God for these beautiful, godly women!
My friends Julie and Alisha...
I love you ladies!

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