Sunday, August 26, 2007

Car sick

Ever been car sick for weeks on end? That'e me. That's the best way I can describe this great time in my life - it's like I'm constantly on an airplane on the verge of throwing up - on the verge is the important part - on the verge and hoping to keep it that way.
However, it is totally worth it and I think I can withstand a few (hopefully just a few) more weeks of this.
We are feeling like things are going really well at this point. It's pretty fun to get weekly updates on the babies growth. I read today that it's head is half of it's body size. (when Troy said that the baby looks like him - my comment - with a big ole head and a big ole belly? :)
We do really appreciate all of your prayers at this time. Please continue to pray for the healthy growth of the baby and for my neausea to go away soon. School is starting around here - not much time to be sick! :)


BecMama said...

It will get better! I think it helps to never have an empty stomach, which means you're constantly munching. I always had a bag of dry cereal in my purse.

anitahp said...

Your Mom gave me your website and it is such fun to read about yours and Troy's little one. You are much in our prayers. Wish this little one would be Texas born instead of a Yankee :) Love...Mrs. P

The Josti's said...

totally know how you feel. and glad to hear today that it is passing. look forward to seeing you tomorrow at the dr's office...and shopping at wrentham.


Anonymous said...

Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)