Saturday, December 29, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012 from the Douglas Family!

Merry Christmas from the Douglas Family!
We hope you all had a blessed Christmas as we did.
We thought we would share with you some of the highlights of our Christmas...
Every year we take a picture of what our kids see when they come in to find what Santa brought them.  
Here is this year's Santa (he was good to our girls)...

They had a great time playing with their gifts and opening their gifts from Nana.  We were happy to have her with us for a few days this Christmas.  The dolls that she gave the girls were one of their favorite gifts.
On Christmas Eve we enjoyed a nice dinner out with Sandy, Mom and Dad and Granny Hilda.  
Then we headed to Pantego together for the Christmas Eve Service.  
We were so proud of Audrey and Alaina in the nativity.  Audrey was Mary and Alaina was a sheep.  It was so fun for them and they both did a great job (although our sheep couldn't keep her hands out of the hay in the manger....much to her shepherd's chagrin.)

Here they are with some of their friends...
Audrey was a precious Mary.  We practiced holding a baby just right.
I love Joseph's converse tennis shoes.  Perfect.  Our Pastor had him put his arm around Mary.  He tried to get him to give her a kiss on the cheek, but Joseph was having none of that...although I think he considered it for a brief second.

Mary gave us a sweet wave when she sat down in the stable.
...then came our little sheep.  They said she was the smallest sheep they'd ever had.  We didn't know if Laina would go for being in the navity.  Thought she might refuse to go on, but go on she did....wasn't an ounce of fear in her.  She's the one in the back of the herd in both of these pics...

Once she arrived at the stable she quickly made it over close to her sister and proceeded to play in the manger hay.  Not sure if Audrey was telling her not to do that, but I know her shepherd was getting onto her.  You can see her little head popped over the corner of the manger in these pics.  She even pulled out some hay and turned around to hand it to a Wise Man.  Luckily she wasn't too distracting....or at least there was another sheep that was more distracting than she was.  :)  ...I'm just sayin.

Sheep pals...
And some of our favorite friends after the service...

It was a great Christmas Eve with our family and friends.
And then came Christmas morning.  You've already seen our Santa pics.  Here are some pics from Christmas at Gia and Bapa's house.
The awesome tent Aunt Sarah, Uncle Eddie, Cate, Caroline and Cole gave the girls.  They LOVED it!
And did I mention that it snowed on Christmas? Yep.  That doesn't always happen here in Dallas so we were excited.  The girls loved playing in the snow.

More presents.  Here are some of Alaina's favorite smiles these days...
Bikes!  Bikes!  Bikes!
I love the excitement in these faces...

Sweet Cousins... (just wish we'd gotten one of Caroline!~)
And after Christmas, Troy headed out hunting for a few days while the girls stayed at Gia and Bapa's.  Audrey got some sweet Shirley temple paper dolls from Aunt Sarah and fam. which prompted us to get out all of Mommy's old paper dolls.  Audrey had a great time playing with them all...
She had me take a new picture every time she dressed a new doll and set it up.
Here's a picture of Mommy's childhood....Boy these bring back some great memories....
It was a sweet Christmas with our family.  We so enjoyed our time with Nana, Granny Hilda, The Taylor's and Walkers and with our church family.  How blessed we are!
And as this Christmas is now behind us, we look forward to great things in the days to come.
Have you heard our news???
(and no, we're not having another baby!)

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